sharing folders on Virtual Box
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I have a Ubuntu running on top of my Windows XP. The necessity was to share a folder, so that there is a pipe between these seemingly different entities.
The following are the steps.
1. Create a shared folder from the settings for your virtual machine (the Ubuntu one here), before booting it up.
2. Go to Devices->Install Guest Additions part of your Virtual Box menu. This will mount VBoxGuestAdditions.iso image (this file is already available at your c:\Program Files\Sun\xVM VirtualBox\) at /media/cdrom0.
3. Open up your terminal and go to /media/cdrom0
$>cd /media/cdrom0
4. Run script
$>sudo ./
A reboot is required at the end of this step.
5. After booting again, you can now safely mount the folder by doing
$sudo mount -t vboxsf
1. This will automatically fixed (for me) the problem of a fixed, small resolution that was there for Ubuntu.
2. It stops grabbing the mouse, and it now sails seamlessly from Windows desktop to Linux and back.
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